


Precautions for your Safety


We care to keep you safe! Belle Chic is different.

Here are our Policies:

If you have cough, fever or flu like symptoms please call to reschedule your appointment.

If you are taking care of someone who is sick, or have been in contact with someone who is sick in the last 24 hours, please reschedule your appointment. There will be no cancellation fee.

To limit the number of guests inside the salon, please come by yourself unless you need assistance.

New Covid-19 Policy:

Masks are Required for All Guests and Stylists.

 Belle Chic deeply cares that our salon remains a clean and COVID-free environment.

  • You may walk-in at your appointment time. No need to call beforehand.

  • Please come by yourself, unless you need assistance.

  • Stations, shampoo bowls, chairs and implements will be sanitized and cleaned before each guest

  • Stylists will wash or sanitize hands between each Guest.


Mask Policy

Masks are required for All Guests and Stylists

Disposable masks provided. Cherry Almond Hand Sanitising Spray located at each station

Disposable masks provided. Cherry Almond Hand Sanitising Spray located at each station


Strict Disinfection and Sanitation standards

Stations are disinfected in between guests. Multiple Hand Sanitizing stations are located throughout the salon.

Why Choose Belle Chic?

When choosing a Hair Salon it is important to consider all aspects of your experience. Due to COVID-19 we have had to re-imagine the “Salon Experience”. Making you happy is our number one goal and your health and safety is apart of that.

This, in addition to constant disinfecting of our stations and traffic areas, makes our salon a safe space. Our Stylists take seriously the situation we are all facing and strive to keep our community safe.